
Frequent Questions & Answers - General

Lack of a verification SMS code

The phone validation after a registration is made by every user in Settings by clicking the button Send code. After the code is received, it must be entered in the relevant field (Code), followed by a click on the button Confirm. In case the SMS code is not received after you have sent it, please, check if you have entered the phone number correctly. Correct it and send a new code. If it fails again – Contact Us!

Login problem

Make sure that your username and password are correctly entered. If you have forgotten your password, you can generate a new one by the link Forgotten password

Restricted activities

Restriction on user’s activities is possible under the following cases:
- Incorrect (incomplete) data in the registration. Please, provide correct details;
- Started procedure for additional identification. In this case, documents verifying the ID of the registrant are required;
- A habit of unfinished deals along with negative feedback;
- Detected attempts to register additional profiles and/or manipulate an auction by linked profiles.

Received rating comment which wasn't counted in the feedback rating score

Rating comments left by one and the same user can be counted once. A comment is not counted in your rating when it is made by a user who has already left feedback about a past deal with you. This is the main reason for having a rating score lower than the number of received rating comments.

Removing negative rating comments

Removing a negative rating comment is a possible administrative act but only after a request made by the user who has left the comment (exception: obvious malice/reciprocity).

Lack of administrative answer

The reasons might be:
- Filtered email/answer by your spam filter. Please, check the Spam/Junk directory in your email inbox;
- A blocked email address;
- A sent admin notification/answer about the respective case in the recent past.