
Collectibles    521340
Jewelry, Watches    32746
Art, Music    22427
Home, Garden    7545
Kids’ goods    1416

About Ads and Online Auctions
Publishing Ads about Selling in BalkanAuction – Assets and Benefits
Some advice for making an accurate and attractive ad

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Ads and Online Auctions - BalkanAuction

Ads and Online Auctions

About Ads and Online Auctions

Advertising is the most important tool when the topic is selling online different types of good. It shows an original combination between images, a description of the characteristics of the product and other important parameters such as price, delivery time, etc. The successful realization of a particular online sale depends to a great extent on two factors – the sense of making a suitable and adequate ad and the selection of a place/places for its positioning. By „a place for positioning“ is meant a website (an online platform) through which the ad will be reached by a maximum number of potential buyers. In the lines below the accent will be on the main assets of publishing ads in the platform for private online auctions - BalkanAuction.

Publishing Ads about Selling in BalkanAuction – Assets and Benefits

About Ads and Online Auctions 2 low prices
Ads and Online Auctions - BalkanAuction

Balkan.Aucion is a platform for private online auctions aiming to connect users from Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and other Balkan countries. Publishing ads about selling in the platform undoubtedly brings many assets and benefits to the trader: starting from the access to a market which is visited by multiple buyers with various needs and necessities and going to the number of tools offered by the platform in order to make the procedures for online auctions and deals easier. Here are the main reasons why choosing the platform BalkanAuction to place ads with a similar aim is a very good idea:

Guaranteed access to a great number of potential buyers - BalkanAuction holds the leading position in regard to the platforms for realizing online auctions on the Balkans. The platform’s popularity and established name amongst the users make it the most suitable place for placing ads for selling, regardless of the type of products offered. In BalkanAuction there could be published ads for selling everything – from garden and car tools to electronics and appliances, souvenirs and books. The availability of an ad in this platform guarantees you that your product and the conditions associated with its sale will be indexed by a great number of potential buyers.

Free registration and free publishing &ndash an important characteristic of the platform BalkanAuction which should be mentioned. Registration is required in order to make ads and start online auctions on BalkanAuction. It is also free for all users. There is no fee for publishing ads or starting auctions. Taxes, whose prices are fixed, are only charged if the particular trader wants to increase the visibility of their ads and uses additional advertising options. In case of a successful deal following a published ad and an auction held, a final value fee is being charged. The fee is 3% of the final price but no more than 20 € and no less than 1 cent.

Additional/Advertising options – the advertising options, integrated in the system of BalkanAuction, give the opportunity to the seller to make the ads more visible and popular by increasing the chance for a successful end of the online auctions. The options are „Bold“, „Highlighted“, „Category Top“ и „Homepage Top“. To maximize the benefits of the tools above, you need to consider carefully which of them to apply and on how many of your ads.

Useful tools and options for the seller – the platform BalkanAuction offers to the traders who have published ads in it to take advantage of several interesting options which help both the selling and the ability to assess the potential market of their items. Such tools/options are „Reserve price“ and „Buy-it-now price“. What are these two and when are they suitable for applying in the ads/online auctions? „Reserve price“ is usually used by the traders to „scratch the surface“, but it also guarantees a minimum selling price. „Reserve price“ is in fact the lowest price the seller is willing to accept for an item. „Reserve price“ is a hidden price which is only known by the seller. The buyer can only see it if the current price has reached the reserve price. If the seller has activated that option and the bidding ends at a price lower than the reserve price, the auction ends without a deal. „Buy-it-now price“ is a price at which the seller accepts an offer without bidding. If the buyer uses that option, the auction ends right away.

Some advice for making an accurate and attractive ad

About Ads and Online Auctions  3 low prices
Ads and Online Auctions - BalkanAuction

Here is some advice about the process of making an ad/online auction. The accuracy of making/publishing an online ad is of a highest importance to the ultimate success. It is necessary to pay attention to all of its elements such as images, title, description and terms of delivery. Determining the price of a product in a fixed price ad is also a key success factor. In the lines below, all elements of the selling ad for a particular product or item will be viewed separately:

- an ad: description – the description of the ad is of great importance because it gives the necessary information of a particular product to the potential buyers. This information should be clear, accurate, precise and it should represent in the best way possible the main characteristics of the item.
- an ad: images – the images are also an ad element which needs to be given significant attention. They should be attractive and easy to spot by the users and, on the other hand, to show accurately the appearance and condition of the advertised item.
- an ad: price – the determination of the price shown in the selling ad of the item is entirely judged by the trader. Of course, an unrealistically high price would deter potential buyers.
- an ad: appropriate category – it is very important that the ad is included in an appropriate category that precisely matches the type of the item for sale. For example: an item which is a pocket watch should be included in the „Jewelry, Watches“, category, in the „Pocket watches“ subcategory. Categorizing the ads is entirely for the benefit of the platform users. Bear in mind that if the ads are posted to inappropriate categories by a user, that user’s account is going to be restricted.
- an ad: forbidden elements – explicit ads are prohibited when they are characterized by personal data and advertising (advertising links).

If you need any further information about BalkanAuction’s publishing policies, you can read the General Conditions of the platform. Choose BalkanAuction to place your ads and guarantee yourself a great number of successful online deals!

About Ads and Online Auctions
Publishing Ads about Selling in BalkanAuction – Assets and Benefits
Some advice for making an accurate and attractive ad