Assets of second hand shopping
By buying second hand items we save nature
How not to make mistakes when buying second hand items?
Second hand items in BalkanAuction

Second hand – more „for“, than „against“
The tendency of buying second hand items is not a new one, but it has developed greatly in the last few years. This tendency is not just about buying second hand furniture and technics for your home, which actually saves a great deal of the household’s expenses. From stores and online platforms, which offer second hand items, modern users purchase clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories, decorations and ornaments that we call „second hand“. Let’s remind you about the main assets of shopping second hand items:
Assets of second hand shopping
- The price is shockingly reasonable – it is quite natural that the price is the first reason which makes people look for second hand items. The difference between new items’ prices, which are on the market, and those which are second hand is quite significant. This applies for most of the main product categories which we need in our everyday life. Thanks to second hand websites and stores it is easy to get well-preserved items from well-known brands, which have proven their quality, with no need to pay for their actual price, which is sometimes artificially inflated. This pattern is acknowledged and used all over the world. If you aim to refresh your wardrobe with quality clothes and shoes from famous brands, there is no doubt that you should invest a great amount of money. In the end, no one has to declare where they have bought their „Gucci“ bag or „Versace“ jeans. The brand speaks for itself about everyone’s taste and abilities!
- The quality of second hand items is obviously higher – the idea that second hand clothes, shoes and accessories are of a lower quality, because another person has had and used them, still exists. However, this statement does not match reality. In stores and online platforms which offer second hand items usually could be found unused items, which were later disliked by the person who bought them. They do not differ from a usual brand new item. This practically means that you can buy the same item for a two – or three-times lower price. Also, we should not forget that in order to reach the end-user, all second hand clothes are carefully picked, so they can satisfy every buyer’s criteria. What else is there to ask for
- A chance to have something different – imagine a woman at a company party or another celebration. Usually for such occasions people buy a new outfit, betting on the same vision. Why not be different – buy a second hand clothing, which no one in the room has, because you can’t find it in the stores. This way it would be guaranteed that at least one woman at the party will ask where is this stunning dress from, so she could buy one, too. In fact, shopping second hand items gives you an excellent chance of having a unique and original outlook. Clothes, which are offered in stores and online platforms for second hand items, are quite different from those in shopping centers, which follow the mass clothing trend.
- Let’s make our home unique – however, in stores made for second hand admirers could be found items, which carry the traditions, art and distinctive features of past times. These could be second hand furniture, collectibles, souvenirs, ornaments, etc. Such second hand items will fit perfectly every home by giving it an unusual and unique atmosphere.

By buying second hand items we save nature
By betting on second hand items, we make a contribution to preserving the natural habitat of our planet. How exactly does this happen? The more second hand items are bought, the less the need for producing new items in the certain product categories is. This leads to the reduction of pollution and emitted emissions into the environment. This way, besides all other assets of second hand shopping, we will have an inner satisfaction due to the fact that we have helped a good cause
How not to make mistakes when buying second hand items?
Here is some advice, which will contribute to the great advantage of shopping second hand items:
- Not to strictly follow the made in advance list – one of the nicest features of stores and online platforms for second hand items is that they could always surprise us with something extremely remarkable and unexpected. For example, we might come across a well-preserved quality second hand item at a reasonable price, which is suitable for us or our home, but which we have not included in our list. We should not hesitate. We don’t know when we will have this chance again, because this second hand item could be bought by someone else in an hour and it would be hard to find it again, all because we have decided to wait.
- To carefully examine the second hand item, especially for possible stains. If it is treated with a special detergent, the stains could be washed away, but sometimes this turns out to be quite difficult.
- To always check for scratches, damages, rupture, etc. Damaged second hand items will certainly not bring you the satisfaction which we are looking for and will also lead to disappointment from shopping second hand items. When shopping in online platforms for second hand items, you should be aware of the item’s description. There should be shown its condition, as well as if it has some damage or imperfections. The available photos of the particular item would also be extremely useful to judge whether it is worth buying it.
- To wait for promotions and special discounts – regardless of the fact that second hand items are initially offered at two-times lower prices than those which are new, there is always a chance to find them at even more reasonable prices and promotions. These discounts occur when there are specific occasions (holidays, special days for promotions, etc.), as well as due to current commercial purposes. Platforms for private online auctions are perfect for finding the right second hand items at reasonable for the user prices. They let the buyer participate in determining the price of a particular second hand item through making offers or bids. This way, eventually is made a deal which fits best both sides’ interests.

Second hand items in BalkanAuction
In the platform for online auctions BalkanAuction every user could find a great number of second hand items, which are suitable for their taste and preference. The following product categories with second hand items are available in BalkanAuction:
1. Fashion and clothes – this is the place where second hand elegant clothes and shoes could be chosen. This way, at fairly low prices you can refresh entirely your outlook and impress your relatives and acquaintances. In addition to clothes and shoes, you can also find the right second hand accessories to add to your clothing (gloves, glasses, scarfs, etc.).
2. Souvenirs and gifts – a category, which offers exquisite souvenirs and decorations for your home, including second hand souvenirs made from various materials – wood, metal, glass and ceramics. There is no doubt that such objects will entirely change the image and atmosphere of the particular rooms and premises.
3. Jewelry and watches – this category consists of many kinds of second hand watches (pocket, table, hand and wall), as well as parts for them. There are available exquisite and beautiful second hand jewelry, which are the perfect clothing addition for everyone who wants stunning accessories at reasonable prices.
4. Kids goods – a category where second hand items made for the youngest members of the family are collected – from second hand clothes and shoes, to kids’ furniture, toys and baby accessories.
5. Electronics and appliances – here could be found all kinds of products for your home, as well as second hand home appliance – small and large appliances, mobile and landline phones, computer technologies, lanterns, spotlights and other second hand items. This is one of the widest product categories in BalkanAuction, which will entirely change the home of every person.
6. Auto-Moto-Cycling – a section for those users who seek second hand parts for their car, bike or motorbike at reasonable prices. For their convenience the category is divided in three subcategories, each of which consists of second hand parts for the particular kind of vehicle.
7. Books – it doesn't matter if they are new or second hand, books have the ability of carrying the ultimate knowledge gathered through the ages, as well as giving people a unique soul comfort, calmness and inner satisfaction. In BalkanAuction are available various collections of second hand books, including fiction, children's books, journalism, culture, art, etc
BalkanAuction – Sell smart, Buy wisely!
Assets of second hand shopping
By buying second hand items we save nature
How not to make mistakes when buying second hand items?
Second hand items in BalkanAuction