The essence of online auctions
Why you should choose online auctions?
Assets of online auctions in BalkanAuction
What types of products are sold and bought in BalkanAuction?
Online auctions – tips for the sellers

Online Auctions
The essence of online auctions
Online auctions become more and more popular and frequently used tool for sale trade nowadays. The reason for this is a very simple one. When we talk about making such online deals, there is no tool about online auctions that is more convenient and precise. The auctions offer a great number of assets and benefits to both the sellers and their potential clients. Starting from the opportunity to bid and find the best balance between both sides’ interests, and going to the fact that through online auctions the sale trade of absolutely all kinds of items is made with no need of mediators.
Why you should choose online auctions?
Speed and convenience are of a great importance – online auctions are the fastest and most convenient option for making a sale trade nowadays. Thanks to them you can sell your old items or to obtain objects for which you have already been looking for quite some time, without even having to get out of your home. All you have to do is make a registration in the platform for online auctions and follow the rules and instructions in the description. Shortly after, profitable offers will come out to you.
Maximum precision is almost obligatory – online auctions offer maximum precision with regard to determining a reasonable price of the particular item, making a sale trade according to predefined rules and conditions, guaranteeing the interest of both sides involved in the auction. The platforms for online auctions have different tools which help the sellers determine the market value of their items in the most accurate way, as well as the buyers obtain the desired items at a price, taking into account their personal needs and resources.
The home is full of useless objects – old books, souvenirs, clothes or other objects taking space in your wardrobes or storage rooms. You can easily free yourself from all these thanks to online auctions. What’s more, you will not only free yourself, but will also add additional income to your personal or family budget.
If you look for quality items at reasonable prices – online auctions offer you the opportunity to realize your goals. By being participants in an online auction, you can declare a price that you believe is an appropriate one for the particular item. On the other hand, platforms for private online auctions provide with marks such as rating, which show how reliable and correct a trader is. Such marks will help you make the most accurate assessment and protect yourself from unprofitable deals.
Assets of online auctions in BalkanAuction
1. An international platform for private online auctions – BalkanAuction is a platform for private online auctions aiming to connect users from Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and other Balkan countries. In BalkanAuction you will find a great number of buyers with different kinds of needs and necessities, as well as reliable traders who offer quality items in an excellent condition.
2. A full toolbox in favor of the users – in BalkanAuction two different types of auctions are being conducted. These are the standard online auctions and online auctions with a fixed price.
- standard online auctions – standard online auctions are conducted in a relatively simple and familiar to most of the users procedure which includes bidding when there is more than one potential buyer for the particular item. Anyway, it is possible to be used additional options such as „Reserve price“ and „Buy-it-now price“. What are these two options and what is there impact on the participants in online auctions? „Reserve price“ is the lowest price the seller is willing to accept for an item. It is a hidden price which is only known by the seller. The buyer can only see it if the current price has reached the reserve price. If the bidding ends at a price lower than the reserve price, the auction ends without a deal. „Buy-it-now price“ is a price at which the seller accepts an offer without bidding. If the buyer uses that option, the auction ends right away.
- online auctions with a fixed price – in this type of online auctions the price of the items is fixed. In spite of this, the online auction can have offering/offers, if the seller chooses the „Accept offers“ option. What is that option in the online auction made for? It lets the potential buyers officially offer a lower price than the fixed one. If during the online auction a potential buyer takes advantage of that opportunity, then the seller has several options available. The first one is to accept the offer and to finalize the online auction. The seller can also decline the offer or to realize a counter offer. Counter offer is an offer that is between the first offer of the seller and the one of the buyer. If the price of a particular item at the beginning was 100 € and then the buyer has offered 60 €, then the trader has the right to respond with a counter offer (for example – 80€). In such case the buyer makes a decision whether to accept or decline that counter offer. During an online auction such exchange of offers and counter offers could happen between the seller and a number of potential buyers. Accepting one of the many offers will cancel the rest and put an end to the online auction.
3. A free registration – the registration in the platform for private online auctions BalkanAuction is completely free of charge for all users. There is absolutely no fee for starting an online auction. A payment is required only when the seller decides to use additional ad options. Such options are „Bold“, „Highlighted“, „Category Top“ and „Homepage Top“. In case of a successful deal, a final value fee is being charged. The fee is 2% of the final price but no more than 12 € and no less than 1 cent.
4. All kinds of sales without mediators – in the platform for private online auctions BalkanAuction could be sold anything, taking into account legal regulations. Online auctions in BalkanAuction and the following deals are made with no need of mediators.
5. Rating – the platform of private online auctions BalkanAuction lets the seller and the buyer write each other a rating comment after every finalized deal. Positive rating comments count as +1, while the negative ones for -1. This is how the user rating is calculated. This rating is extremely important to the registered users in the platform of private online auctions BalkanAuction and serves as a mark for correctness.
What types of products are sold and bought in BalkanAuction?
There are no restrictions with regard to types of items which can be offered through the online auctions in BalkanAuction. Still, there are several popular item categories amongst the users of the platform for private online auctions.
- online auctions: jewelry and watches – one of the best-known item categories in the platform for private online auctions BalkanAuction. In it there could be found different types of pocket watches and clocks. Online auctions are also made for exclusively beautiful and exquisite jewelry (necklaces, collars, etc.).
- online auctions: kids’ goods – kids’ goods are also quite wanted by the users of the platform for private online auctions BalkanAuction. The most important place in this category is taken by kids’ shoes, which are offered in different types, colours and sizes. It is also important to be found quality items for babies.
- online auctions: collectibles – online auctions in the „Collectibles“ category are extremely diverse. In terms of coins, fullness and diversity are really huge. There could easily be found gold and silver coins, older ones with a collectible value, as well as new ones which are used for investment purposes.
- online auctions: auto – moto – cycling – in this category the most wanted items are different types of car accessories. Through online auctions it is possible to be obtained car goods, cameras, DVDs, GPS navigations, etc. at reasonable prices.
- оonline auctions: home and garden – in the „Home and Garden“ category you can find different instruments and gadgets for your garden, as well as items for your pets.
- online auctions: books – the „Book“ category is designed for people who not only like to read, but also to assess the power and value of a book by its worth; for people who want to raise their heirs to respect and honor books. Thanks to online auctions conducted in the platform BalkanAuction you can obtain books of any genre – from children’s books to romantic novels and intense thrillers.
- online auctions: gifts and souvenirs – here you will find suitable items and souvenirs not only for yourself, but also gifts for your loved ones. Starting from online auctions of key chains and souvenir blades and going to magnetic, wooden, metal, glass, ceramic and other types of souvenirs.
- online auctions: other categories – by making a registration in the platform BalkanAuction you have the opportunity to participate in online auctions about different kinds of other item categories. Some of those are „fashion and clothes“, „sport and entertainments“, „cosmetics and health“, etc.
Online auctions – tips for the sellers
In the lines below there will be shown several useful tips for people who try to sell their items through the online auctions in the platform BalkanAuction. These tips are related to complying with general rules of making ads for online auctions and, on the other hand, to applying different strategies and tactics for making a particular item more attractive. Here is what we suggest to the seller in order to succeed in the online auctions:
- complying with general rules for the ads – those rules for the ads are clearly shown and outlined in General Terms for using the platform for private online auctions BalkanAuctions. They concern the content of the ad (used words and expressions, images), as well as parameters such as copyright, accurate choice of a category, etc. Not complying with these general rules when starting an online auction will not only push potential buyers away, but may also require a sanction for the particular user.
- taking advantage of the additional ad options –the platform for private online auctions BalkanAuction offers additional ad options such as „Bold“, „Highlighted“, „Category Top“ and „Homepage Top“. These options could make the particular items significantly more visible and to guarantee a successful finalization of the online auctions to the seller. In order for this to happen, the seller has to asses carefully when and for which items to apply the additional ad options.
- Paying attention to the starting price – as a starting price of the online auction is set the lowest price that pleases you as a seller of the particular item. Setting 1 cent as a starting price is a clever strategy that could be tested for a particular online auction. It is possible that an online auction with a similar starting price becomes extremely attractive and gains the attention of potential buyers. In this way, they will be stimulated to make higher bids during the online auction. The final price of the item may turn out to be significantly higher than your initial expectations. It may even reach the maximum of its market potential.
- A low starting price + reserve price + buy-it-now price – applying such strategy for the online auction will help you assess the market potential of a particular item in the most accurate way. What’s more, if you add the „Top auction“, option, you will guarantee yourself even faster and more precise results. It is recommended that this strategy is used for items with an exceptional value - automobiles, real estates, expensive objects, etc.
- top auctions – even just one top auction increases the chances of a successful finalization of all online auctions started by a particular seller. Marking this ad option means that the particular online auction will always be shown on top of the search results (i.e. in the „Top auction“ slide).
BalkanAuction – Sell smart, Buy wisely!
The essence of online auctions
Why you should choose online auctions?
Assets of online auctions in BalkanAuction
What types of products are sold and bought in BalkanAuction?
Online auctions – tips for the sellers