What are the assets of buying second hand phones?
Choosing a second hand phone – useful advice
Which are the good ways of maintaining a second hand phone?
Why are online auctions the best tool for buying a second hand phone?
Second hand phones in BalkanAuction

Second Hand Phones
In spite of the current tendency for modern users to quickly replace their smartphones with the latest models, the option of buying a second hand phone should not be neglected. This applies especially for people who do not have the financial ability to buy a new modern smartphone model. Second hand phones in BalkanAuction are your chance to get some sudden offers of this kind. Before we show the available products in the platform for private online auctions, we will look in detail through the essence and the features of second hand phones as a product category.
What are the assets of buying second hand phones?
The practices of buying second hand phones will bring you a lot more assets than you think. Starting from the much lower price of second hand phones compared to those which are brand new, to the opportunity for you to find really well-preserved quality items. In the lines bellow you will learn why exactly is getting a second hand phone not a bad idea.

- second hand phones: reasonable price – of course, this is the key factor that makes people look in the second hand phones’ market. The tendency of launching new and new smartphones, which have more and more extras and functions, could be considered with no doubt as an advantage with regard to technology development and the appetite for the user’s convenience and comfort. At the same time, usually those brand new models are offered at unreasonable prices for the general public. Which leads people to the choice between two alternatives – buying a second hand phone or getting a new one which does not have the latest OS version or functions. In terms of that, getting a second hand phone is a great chance for people to have a product which will actually be suitable for them at a reasonable price.
- second hand phones: reliable and well-preserved items – a lot of people consider second hand phones to be old, broken or damaged items, which have lost the ability to perform at their best. Such image of second hand phones does not really match the truth. On the market could be found reliable and well-preserved second hand phones which fit best for your needs, requirements and preferences. What is more, there is a great chance that you find almost new phones, offered at a price twice as low as the standard one. The reason for this hides in the tendency amongst the new generation – always buying the latest smartphone model on the market. According to this, after such purchase the old phone (which still works perfectly and matches the outlook and functionalities of the new phones) becomes unnecessary and is usually sold in the platforms made for trading with second hand items. This is a great opportunity for a lot of people to get a smartphone by a famous brand at an extremely reasonable price.
- second hand phones: good impression – even if you are not one of those people who care about other people’s opinion, being in a certain environment (professional, public, art, etc.) makes it necessary for you to make a good impression and to stand out with your own taste and style. You should be aware that almost nobody will be impressed by a phone, which is quite cheap, even if it is brand new. It is a much better idea for you to get a second hand smartphone which is made by a famous brand and has excellent functions and characteristics. A well-preserved quality second hand phone says to others that you have an excellent taste and ability to buy the best.
Choosing a second hand phone – useful advice

There are a few elements which should be considered when choosing a second hand phone. These elements are related to the most important characteristics and functions of the particular device. From the OS and the size of the screen, to the characteristics of the camera and design of the second hand phone. If you review carefully each and every one of the listed characteristics and maintain your focus on the right choice with regard to your needs and preferences, you could guarantee yourself the perfect second hand phone.
- second hand phones: OS (operating system) – in order for you to consider this characteristics of the second hand phones in the right way, you should know a bit more about different OS. Android is the most popular OS. Thera is a great number of reasons for this, but the major ones are easy settings and a lot of free applications included. Of course, when choosing a second hand phone you are absolutely free to get one of the other famous operating systems. iOS, for example, is extremely reliable in terms of guaranteeing safety for your device and personal data from viruses and harmful software. At the same time, a big part of the applications of this OS are paid.
- second hand phones: screen – the new smartphones tendency is for screens to become bigger and bigger. However, when you choose second hand phones, you have the opportunity to decide what screen size suits you and your convenience. In terms of this, you should consider not only your reading and information searching preferences, but you should also think of where are you going to keep your second hand phone when you go out. If you are used to keeping your smartphone in your pocket, choose a size which won’t bother you doing that. Currently preferred are medium sizes (between 4,5 and 5,4 inches), because they are extremely comfortable for carrying, as well as for reading and using the device in general.
- second hand phones: camera – in terms of the second hand phone’s camera should be considered a few important things. Especially if you wish to have a camera which can make excellent photos, including selfies. In terms of that, what really matters is the number of pixels of the camera, but the choice of second hand phone should not be just about that. Ask for more information and characteristics such as blend, light sensitivity and manual options. These things are important, too, when choosing second hand phone together with its camera, which suits perfectly your requirements and preferences.
- second hand phones: design – do not neglect this second hand phone’s element. After all, this is a device you are planning to use for a long time and you are going to carry it around with yourself in front of various people. In terms of that, the design of your device is important and should fit in the best way possible your general style and taste.
Which are the good ways of maintaining a second hand phone?
Every phone needs quality maintenance in order to preserve its excellent condition and functionality for as long as possible. This should be applied especially for second hand items. In the lines bellow the accent will be on some of the best ways for maintaining a second hand phone.
- consider the applications of the second hand phone – after all, you are buying a second hand phone, which has already been used by someone else. This person has done for sure various changes in the system, introduced actualizations, installed certain applications. Pay attention to the applications which are currently available in the second hand phone. If amongst them you see an application which seems suspicious or harmful to the phone’s performance, it would be best if you uninstall it right away. Do not forget that the particular smartphone is now yours and you can change the settings with regard to your own will and perspective. There is no reason why you should keep the applications, files and similar other things, which have been installed by the previous owner.
- proper conditions for keeping the second hand phone – we advise you to try to preserve second hand phones when you carry them in your pocket or bag and afterwards. You should be careful with magnets and sharp objects near them.
- periodically cleaning of the second hand phone – the fact that you should keep your second hand phone away from water, does not mean that you do not have to take care of its shining and cleanness. On the contrary – periodically cleaning of the second hand phone is extremely important for keeping it in an excellent condition and preserving its outlook through time. Cleaning the second hand phone could be done with a little antibacterial spray which is specially made for such devices. The cleaning procedure, which is done just for a few minutes, will have a great impact on your second hand phone in the long run.
- adding a case and screen protector to your second hand phone – finally, it would be a good idea to buy additional accessories which will protect your second hand phone from all external factors. The most used accessories of this kind for smartphones are the case and the screen protector. The case has the ability to absorb the hit’s power if you drop your second hand phone on the ground. In most cases, when such incidents happen, the case will limit the damages on the second hand phone. On the other hand, the screen protector serves as a shield to the second hand phone’s screen – it saves it from being scratched or dirty. In the platform for private online auctions BalkanAuction you can find the right cases and screen protectors for your second hand phone at reasonable prices.
Why are online auctions the best tool for buying a second hand phone?
Platforms for online auctions are a great place for every user who looks for a second hand phone. Some of their assets are reasonable prices of the second hand phones and the opportunity to shop really fast and convenient, as well as the great variety of items available and the mechanisms for guiding the user towards the deals and offers which are really worth it. Here is why it is a good thing to use online auctions as a tool for buying second hand phones:
- Second hand phones: wide choice – in the platforms for online auctions there is a wide choice of items in the „Second hand phones“. category. In such platforms you will find second hand phones made by different brands which have various characteristics, features and extras. Exactly that wide choice is the main premise for coming across a reliable quality second hand phone – one, which will be perfectly suitable for your needs, necessities and preferences.
- Second hand phones: convenience – the wide choice of items in the „Second hand phones“ category in the platforms for online auctions also has the highest level of convenience when shopping. This is due to the fact that the whole process (from looking for the right second hand phones to participating in online auctions and making a deal) is done online. Which means that you can go through those stages with no need to go out of your home or office. This is a great advantage for working people with busy daily routine and intense schedules. Platforms for online auctions provide the opportunity for them to shop second hand phones fast, easy and convenient. This process is also compliant with their habits and lifestyle.
- Second hand phones: price – again, price is one of the key factors for a man to look for second hand phones which are offered in platforms for online auctions. Those online auctions are a tool which gives both the buyer and the seller the opportunity to negotiate the prices of second hand phones. So, there is no doubt that in the platforms for online auctions you will find second hand phones which are reliable, made by great brands and also match your financial ability.
- Second hand phones: choice help – and finally, platforms for online auctions have a wide toolbox, which will really help the user in the process of choosing the right second hand phone. One of the greatest assets of shopping in BalkanAuction is the rating system. This is a scoring system based on reviews between the users. The rating of a particular user will show you if they have been correct enough in previous deals, as well as if you can count on the description of the second hand phone, which you are going to buy from that users.
Second hand phones in BalkanAuction
In the platform for online auctions BalkanAuction you can find a great diversity of second hand phones. They are available in the „Phones, GSM“, category, which is a subcategory of „Electronics, Appliances“. However, apart from second hand phones, in BalkanAuction are available all necessary parts and accessories for them – starting from cases and protectors, to batteries and chargers. In the lines bellow there will be shown the main accents related to the second hand phones offered in BalkanAuction and the products which accompany them.
- second hand GSM phones – of course, nowadays mobile phones are preferred by users, no matter if they are new or second hand. These devices bring you the comfort of connecting with all your relatives and friends wherever you are, whatever the time. In BalkanAuction you will find a great number of second hand mobile phones, which are part of the collection of different brands and also have various characteristics, features and additional extras.
- batteries and chargers for second hand phones – you will definitely need such items when buying a second hand phone.
- cases and protectors for second hand phones – cases and protectors are extremely useful accessories, which will help you preserve your second hand phone in an excellent condition for a very long period of time. In the platform for online auctions BalkanAuction are available cases and protectors for mobile phones of all kinds and by all brands.
- accessories and parts for second hand phones – no matter if your phone is new or second hand, there is always a chance that you will have to change elements such as base, headphones, pen, etc. When you need such accessories and parts, visit BalkanAuction and you will find the right items.
- landline second hand phones – although the products of this kind are not so common nowadays, they can still be necessary to you or your older relatives in certain situations. In BalkanAuction are available landline second hand phones, too.
BalkanAuction – Sell smart, Buy wisely!
What are the assets of buying second hand phones?
Choosing a second hand phone – useful advice
Which are the good ways of maintaining a second hand phone?
Why are online auctions the best tool for buying a second hand phone?
Second hand phones in BalkanAuction