Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997

00 BGN
Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997
Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997 with price ~195.07 €
Auction  Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997
Delivery of Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997
Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997 - 5
Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997 - 6
Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997 - 7

Ivo Dolapchiev Oil painting, male portrait, signed 1997

7d 1h 0m
Remaining time
Item at a fixed price ~195.07 €
00 BGN
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Remaining time: 7d 1h 0m
Price: 38000 BGN
Theme: Portrait

Package weight : up to 1 kg
Payment and delivery
Payment methods: bank transfer, PayPal, other (see the description)
Shipping conditions:
  • Shipping via Other (see the description)
  • Buyer pays 25.00 BGN for shipping
Combining items from won auctions in one delivery
The seller accepts return of the item up to 7 days after delivery
Additional information:
Number: 7834920
Start: 28.02.2025 12:20:0028 Feb 2025 12:20:00
End: 10.03.2025 12:20:0010 Mar 2025 12:20:00
Location: Bulgaria / Sofiya
This auction has been viewed 103 times
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