БЪЛГАРИЯ-2000 ЛЕВА-1994-P# 107a

РАЗМЕР  - 155 х 77


СЕРИЕН НОМЕР  -  АБ 1011570

ПЕЧАТ -  Giesecke & Devrient (Germany) - G&D

ПОДПИС -  Lyubomir Filipov

ТИРАЖ -  22,000,000

ОПИСАНИЕ - Horizontal Watermark – a half-tone portrait of Nikola Fichev Security thread with the initials “BNB" appearing as microprint Designation for blind people – two rectangles Obverse – the portrait of Nikola Fichev; anti-copy stripe; background color – blue Reverse – the “Holy Trinity” Church in the town of Svishtov, the bridge near Byala Artistic design – Kiril Gogov Printed in Giesecke & Devrient, Leipzig, Germany In circulation from 21 November 1994 to 31 December 1999 In 1996 the same design was used for the 1996 issue with the following change: the signature of the governor Todor Vulchev was replaced with the signature of the governor Lyubomir Filipov.

Serial # prefixes: АВ, АГ, АД, АЕ

2000 Leva 


A portrait of Nikola Fichev at left, buildings outlines at center, wide hologram foil strip at left.

Script: Cyrillic

Две Хиляди Лева
Българска Народна Банка
Никола Фичев 1800-1881

Two Thousand Leva
Bulgarian National Bank
Nikola Fichev 1851-1889

Designer: Kiril Gogov


His works the “Holy Trinity” Church in the town of Svishtov, the bridge near town of Byala.

Script: Cyrillic

Две Хиляди Лева
Българска Народна Банка
За подправка виновните се наказват съгласно закона

Two Thousand Leva
Bulgarian National Bank
For forgery the guilty are punished according to the law

Designer: Kiril Gogov


A portrait of Nikola Fichev.
