-ЛИЦЕ - АТЕЛИЕ НОЖАРОВ -NOJAROFF -SLIWEN -ЗА ВТОРА ПОРЪЧКА СТЪКЛОТО СЕ ПАЗИ ДЪЛГИ ГОДИНИ -PLATTE BLEIBT RUR NAHBESTELLUNG AUFBEWAHRT -РАЗМЕР 50 / 119 мм П.К. 8800 – СЛИВЕН - РЕАЛНО ФОТО / Bulgaria Bulgarien postcard SLIVEN Sliwen photo pc /А1301 - NO RESERVE --Vintage (not a reproduction) pc - postcard postcards , Real photo - - Gallery Vintage old POSTCARD BULGARIA BULGARIEN ; AMSICHTSKARTE ; CARTE POSTALE ILLUSTREE ; PICTURE POSTCARDS България - пощенска ; пощенски - картичка ; картички - изглед ; изгледи МОЛЯ ПИШЕТЕНИ КОЙ ГРАД СЕЛО ОБЛАСТ / ИЗДАТЕЛ / ФОТОГРАФ ОТ БЪЛГАРИЯ КОЛЕКЦИОНИРАТЕ - НИЕ РАЗПОЛАГАМЕ С НАД 35 000 ПОЩЕНСКИ КАРТИ ФОТОГРАФИИ ТВЪРДИ СНИМКИ . ЗА НАС Е УДОВОЛСТВИЕ ДА ПОПЪЛНИМ ВАШИТЕ КОЛЕКЦИИ !!!!!!!! ПО ЖЕЛАНИЕ НА КУПУВАЧА ИЗДАВАМЕ ФАКТУРИ ФАКТУРА + КАСОВ БОН !!!!!!!! @@@@@ ЗА ТОВА СЕ НУЖДАЕМ ОТ ДАННИТЕ НА ФИРМАТА ИЛИ ЧАСТНОТО ЛИЦЕ . @@@@@ Shipping and handling WORLD Please include - 3.20 EUR (5.oo USD ) by Registered Airmail. ( We can combine lots ( 7 DAY ) price only - 3.20 EUR ( 5.oo USD ) ( DELCAMPE - LION_59 ) ( EBAY - LION_DINKO ) ( AUCTION.BG - TIMBROPHIL ) BULGARIA БЪЛГАРИЯ Клуб на колекционера ТИМБРОФИЛ филателия ; нумизматика ; антиквариат ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛ София - 1421 моб. - - - ПРОДАВА 1 – ПОЩЕНСКИ МАРКИ 2 – ПОЩЕНСКИ КАРТИ И ПЛИКОВЕ 3 - ФИЛАТЕЛНИ ЦЯЛОСТИ 4 - КАТАЛОЗИ , ФИЛАТЕЛНА ЛИТЕРАТУРА 5 - ПЛИКОВЕ – ПЪРВИ ДЕН ( FDC ) 6 - ОРИГИНАЛНИ ПЕЧАТИ – ДАТНИ , ВОЕННИ , FDC , СТАРИ ФИРМИ 7 - ГЕРБОВИ И ФОНДОВИ МАРКИ – ЦЯЛОСТИ , ДОКУМЕНТИ 8 - ЧАСТНИ И СЛУЖЕБНИ АРХИВИ 9 – СТАРИ СНИМКИ , ФОТОГРАФИИ 10 – КАРТИЧКИ – ИЛЮСТРАТОРИ , РЕПРОДУКЦИИ НА КАРТИНИ , ГРАДОВЕ , ТЕМАТИЧНИ 11 – АКЦИИ ОБЛИГАЦИИ 12 – БАНКНОТИ , БОНОВЕ 13 – МОНЕТИ 14 - ЖЕТОНИ – КАЗИНА , ТЕЛЕФОНИ 15 – ПЛАКЕТИ , МЕДАЛИ , ОРДЕНИ – ФИЛАТЕЛНИ , ВОЕННИ , СПОРТНИ , ЮБИЛЕЙНИ 16 – ЗНАЧКИ 17 – ФЛАГЧЕТА - СПОРТНИ , ЮБИЛЕЙНИ 18 – ЕТИКЕТИ , БАНДЕРОЛИ - КИБРИТЕНИ , АЛКОХОЛНИ , ЦИГАРЕНИ , 19 - СТАРИ ВИЗИТКИ 20 – АНТИКВАРИАТ – ПРЕДМЕТИ , ДЕТСКИ ИГРАЧКИ , ВОЕННИ УНИФОРМИ , ПОРЦЕЛАН , ФОТО АПАРАТИ , ЧАСОВНИЦИ , МЕБЕЛИ 21 – КАРТИНИ , ЛИТОГРАФИИ 22 – ПЛАКАТИ – ПРОПАГАНДА , ИЗКУСТВО , 23 – ГЕОГРАФСКИ КАРТИ 24 – КНИГИ , БРОШУРИ – ХУДОЖНИЦИ , ПОЛИТИЦИ , ИСТОРИЯ 25 – ФИЛАТЕЛНИ И НУМИЗМАТИЧНИ ПОСОБИЯ , КЛАСЬОРИ ,ЛУПИ , ЛИСТА И ДР. НА ЦЕНА НА ВНОСИТЕЛЯ **ФИЛАТЕЛНА И НУМИЗМАТИЧНА ЛИТЕРАТУРА СЕ ОТДАВАТ ПОД НАЕМ ** Sliven (Bulgarian: Сливен) is a town in southeast Bulgaria and the administrative centre of Sliven Province. It is a relatively large town with 110,000 inhabitants (the 8th largest in Bulgaria). Sliven is famous for its Bulgarian Haiduts who fought against the Ottoman Turks in the 19th century and is known as the \"City of the 100 Voyvodi\", a Voyvoda being a leader of Haiduts. The current mayor of the city is former football star Yordan Letchkov. View of Sliven and the lowlands of Thrace from southern Stara PlaninaThe famous rocky massif Sinite Kamani (Сините камъни, \"The Blue Rocks\") and the associated national park, the fresh air and the mineral springs offer diverse opportunities for leisure and tourism. Another point of interest and symbol of the city, as featured on the coat of arms, is the thousand-year-old Stariya Briast (Старият Бряст, \"The Old Elm\"), a large Smooth-leaved Elm in the center of the city. During the time of the Ottoman Occupation, Turkish officials would hang Bulgarian revolutionaries on the tree. In modern times, the city is doing its best to keep the tree alive with the addition of cement to the base. Sliven Peak on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica is named for Sliven. History Statue of Hadzhi Dimitar in Sliven Remains of the oldest settlements on the territory of Sliven date back to around 6000 B.C.E of the neolithic. Ruins of a Thracian settlement dating to around 5th–3rd century B.C.E as well as Thracian ceramics and Hellenistic coins have been discovered in the area of Hisarlaka — a small hill in Sliven. The area occupied by present-day Sliven has in the past been settled by the Thracian tribes Asti, Kabileti and Seleti. These tribes held their independence until time of Philip II of Macedon and Alexander the Great who conquered them. The second century B.C.E. marked the beginning of the Roman conquests of northeastern Thracia. Sliven became part of the Roman Empire around 71–72 B.C.E. when the Thracian cities of Kabile and Apolonia are conquered. With the emergence of the Roman Empire the region of the city became part of the Thracian province of the Roman Empire. A new stage in the city\'s history began around 2nd–4th century B.C.E. The first written records of the settlement\'s name, Tuida/Suida/Tsuida date to this period. This name is most likely of Thracian origin. Its etymology is currently not understood. In more modern times, Sliven became one of the most significant cultural centres during the Bulgarian National Revival, with much of its old heritage still preserved and enriched its heritage and today offers to its citizens and visitors a lot of opportunities for cultural life. It served as the birthplace of many prominent Bulgarians who contributed to the enlightenment such as Hadzhi Dimitar, Dobri Chintulov, Evgeniy Chapkanov, Ivan Sеliminski and many others. Another notable native is Anton Pann who composed the Romanian national anthem.