-ДИМИТРЪ СОТИРОВЪЪ - ФОТОГРАФЪ -ГР. ЛОВЕЧ -размер - 66 х 157 мм -SECESSION PORTRAIT П.К. 5500 - ЛОВЕЧ - РЕАЛ ФОТО ПОЩЕНСКА КАРТА БЪЛГАРИЯ ИЗГЛЕД / Bulgaria Bulgarien postcard LOVECH Lowetsch / M 38 - NO RESERVE --Vintage (not a reproduction) pc - postcard postcards , Real photo - Approx: 66 х 157 мм - Gallery Vintage old POSTCARD BULGARIA BULGARIEN ; AMSICHTSKARTE ; CARTE POSTALE ILLUSTREE ; PICTURE POSTCARDS България - пощенска ; пощенски - картичка ; картички - изглед ; изгледи МОЛЯ ПИШЕТЕНИ КОЙ ГРАД СЕЛО ОБЛАСТ / ИЗДАТЕЛ / ФОТОГРАФ ОТ БЪЛГАРИЯ КОЛЕКЦИОНИРАТЕ - НИЕ РАЗПОЛАГАМЕ С НАД 35 000 ПОЩЕНСКИ КАРТИ ФОТОГРАФИИ ТВЪРДИ СНИМКИ . ЗА НАС Е УДОВОЛСТВИЕ ДА ПОПЪЛНИМ ВАШИТЕ КОЛЕКЦИИ Shipping and handling WORLD Please include - 3.20 EUR (5.oo USD ) by Registered Airmail. ( We can combine lots ( 7 DAY ) price only - 3.20 EUR ( 5.oo USD ) ( DELCAMPE - LION_59 ) ( EBAY - LION_DINKO ) ( AUCTION.BG - TIMBROPHIL ) BULGARIA БЪЛГАРИЯ Клуб на колекционера ТИМБРОФИЛ филателия ; нумизматика ; антиквариат ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛ София - 1421 моб. - - - ПРОДАВА 1 – ПОЩЕНСКИ МАРКИ 2 – ПОЩЕНСКИ КАРТИ И ПЛИКОВЕ 3 - ФИЛАТЕЛНИ ЦЯЛОСТИ 4 - КАТАЛОЗИ , ФИЛАТЕЛНА ЛИТЕРАТУРА 5 - ПЛИКОВЕ – ПЪРВИ ДЕН ( FDC ) 6 - ОРИГИНАЛНИ ПЕЧАТИ – ДАТНИ , ВОЕННИ , FDC , СТАРИ ФИРМИ 7 - ГЕРБОВИ И ФОНДОВИ МАРКИ – ЦЯЛОСТИ , ДОКУМЕНТИ 8 - ЧАСТНИ И СЛУЖЕБНИ АРХИВИ 9 – СТАРИ СНИМКИ , ФОТОГРАФИИ 10 – КАРТИЧКИ – ИЛЮСТРАТОРИ , РЕПРОДУКЦИИ НА КАРТИНИ , ГРАДОВЕ , ТЕМАТИЧНИ 11 – АКЦИИ ОБЛИГАЦИИ 12 – БАНКНОТИ , БОНОВЕ 13 – МОНЕТИ 14 - ЖЕТОНИ – КАЗИНА , ТЕЛЕФОНИ 15 – ПЛАКЕТИ , МЕДАЛИ , ОРДЕНИ – ФИЛАТЕЛНИ , ВОЕННИ , СПОРТНИ , ЮБИЛЕЙНИ 16 – ЗНАЧКИ 17 – ФЛАГЧЕТА - СПОРТНИ , ЮБИЛЕЙНИ 18 – ЕТИКЕТИ , БАНДЕРОЛИ - КИБРИТЕНИ , АЛКОХОЛНИ , ЦИГАРЕНИ , 19 - СТАРИ ВИЗИТКИ 20 – АНТИКВАРИАТ – ПРЕДМЕТИ , ДЕТСКИ ИГРАЧКИ ,ВОЕННИ УНИФОРМИ , ПОРЦЕЛАН , ФОТО АПАРАТИ , ЧАСОВНИЦИ , МЕБЕЛИ 21 - КАРТИНИ , ЛИТОГРАФИИ 22 – ПЛАКАТИ – ПРОПАГАНДА , ИЗКУСТВО , 23 – ГЕОГРАФСКИ КАРТИ 24 – КНИГИ , БРОШУРИ – ХУДОЖНИЦИ , ПОЛИТИЦИ , ИСТОРИЯ 25 – ФИЛАТЕЛНИ И НУМИЗМАТИЧНИ ПОСОБИЯ , КЛАСЬОРИ ,ЛУПИ , ЛИСТА И ДР. НА ЦЕНА НА ВНОСИТЕЛЯ **ФИЛАТЕЛНА И НУМИЗМАТИЧНА ЛИТЕРАТУРА СЕ ОТДАВАТ ПОД НАЕМ ** Lovech (Bulgarian: Ловеч) is a town in north-central Bulgaria with a population of about 50,000. Lovech is the administrative centre of Lovech Province and of the subordinate Lovech municipality, and is located 150 km from the capital city of Sofia. Near Lovech are the towns of Pleven, Troyan and Teteven. Ancient history Lovech is one of the oldest towns in Bulgaria. Traces of human activities from very ancient times were found in the region, mainly in the caves near the town. The reason was the comfortable location between the mountains and the flat country, and the presence of a river. The first inhabitants of the town were the Thracian tribe of the Meldi, whose traces date as back to the 4th-3rd century BC. They founded their capital, called Melta, in the area, which was situated at the place of today\'s neighbourhood and architecture reserve Varosha. Later, when the Balkans were occupied by the Roman Empire, a military station called Prezidium was founded near the modern town, which was situated at an important strategic position on one of the main Roman roads. Parts of this road are to be seen in the territory of Lovech today. Middle Ages The former Roman citadel Hisarya, which is situated on the hill of the same name, was the place where in 1187 the peace treaty between Bulgaria and the Byzantine Empire was signed and the independence of Bulgaria was officially declared, marking the restoration of the Bulgarian Empire. In the 12th century Lovech was a great trade centre and one of the most famous towns in Bulgaria. The Turkish invasion in the middle of the 14th century did not pass the town, but the Hisarya fortress was captured last of all, in 1446, although for a long time after that the town enjoyed some privileges such as a prohibition on Turkish people to settle in the town or to take Bulgarian children as janissaries. Ottoman rule In the 17th century Lovech (Lofça in Turkish was once again an important trade centre and one of the richest towns in Bulgaria, a reason for the town being called Altan Lovech (Golden Lovech, from Turkish) at the time. 1784 is the most horrible year in the history of the town, when it was almost totally burnt and destroyed by a Turkish army. From 20,000 citizens at the time there were only 4,600 survivors.In the times of revolutionary organisations against the Ottoman enslavers, Lovech was the centre of operations of the Internal Revolutionary Organisation of Vasil Levski, called the Secret Revolutionary Committee. He was arrested by the Turkish military in a village near Lovech called Kakrina and later hanged in Sofia. The biggest museum of Vasil Levski in Bulgaria containing many personal items such as notebooks, clothes and weapon is situated in the old town part of Lovech. Central Lovech Lovech\'s Bulgarian National Revival quarter, Varosha The Covered Bridge connecting the two parts of town Lovech\'s ancient fortressBetween 1872 and 1874, the Bulgarian master-builder Nikola Fichev, known also as Kolyu Ficheto, built the famous Covered Bridge (Покрит мост) over the river Osam, the only one of its kind in the Balkans. The bridge was burned out in 1925, but rebuilt in 1931. Now it connects the new and the old part of the town and it\'s full of cafes, small restaurants and many souvenir shops. During the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, an important battle was held at Lovech, known as the Battle of Lovcha.